
Story of your life full text
Story of your life full text

story of your life full text

You must be destined for bigger and better things, and that’s why the universe is pushing you in another direction. It will feel like your life is over, and you sometimes forget that everything happens for a reason. Getting Fired From Your Job For The First Time Is it music? Teaching? Soccer? Writing? What if you are not sure? One of the greatest milestones in life is the moment you realize what your passion is. The problem is, sometimes we don’t know what our passion is. Nobody wants to be vanilla – having a passion is sexy. People always say they are attracted to people who are passionate about something. Sometimes, like a light bulb, it is realized when we least expect it. Realizing your passion is one of the most important milestones for achieving self-actualization. Why? Because that’s what must be done before we will be ready to meet Mr. To quote Greg Behrendt, “It’s called a breakup because it’s broken” and rather than trying to fix it, we should be focusing on achieving self-actualization and reinforcing core values within ourselves. Always remember the unknown quote that has gone viral on Instagram: “one day someone will walk into your life, and make you see why it never worked out with anyone else”. Time heals all wounds, and you were obviously meant to be with someone else. I wish I could go back in time and tell my crying self that everything was going to be ok – because everything will always be ok. Getting Your Heart Broken For The First Time The wondering feeling of contentment we have when we meet that special someone is worth the wait – even if it feels like it took forever to get there. Falling in Loveįalling in love is the closest thing we have to real magic. However looking back on it I realized that hitting rock bottom was the best thing that ever happened to me, because of who it forced me to become – and how it forced me to reinvent myself. I had never felt so alone or so hopeless.

story of your life full text

Of course, at the time it felt like the world was crashing down all around me. If I had never hit rock bottom, I would never be where I am today. This is why it’s better to hit rock bottom sooner rather than later. If we are able to be resilient and turn the negativity in our lives into motivation to make a change, we will be on the road to success in no time. Some of the most remarkable achievements we make in life are the achievements we made after hitting rock bottom, because we were determined to lift ourselves back up – and we finally had the drive to do so. Hitting rock bottom is the one of the most important milestones in your life (maybe even the most important) because it literally forces you to find different avenues to achieve fulfillment. The positive milestones can do this for us, and so can the negative milestones – but why? Here are 10 of the most important milestones in life and why: 1. Our life’s milestones will almost always help us grow, or change who we are as a person in some significant way. Several milestones must be reached in order for us to achieve self-actualization.

Story of your life full text